“What I Wish I’d Known Earlier” Engineering Leadership Lessons with Zapier’s Co-Founder & CTO

6 min readSep 28, 2021

Bryan Helmig is the Co-Founder and CTO of Zapier, the no-code breakout company that provides “easy automation for busy people.” Zapier is reported to have eclipsed $140M+ ARR in 2021 and is valued at over $5B.

The fundamental idea for Zapier was born out of a two-day project at a startup weekend in Missouri and ever since the company has been famously efficient in its path to scale. Today, Zapier is a thriving unicorn with 3M+ users and is widely seen as the most pioneering company in the white-hot category of “no-code”.

Yet the journey has not always been a linear one for Bryan, Zapier’s CTO. As a first-time founder, Bryan had to learn multiple critical lessons about what it takes to build the product, team, and culture.

Recently, Bryan sat down with the FirstMark CTO Guild, a private community for engineering leadership from breakout technology businesses, to share his three most important lessons he learned along the way.

Lesson #1: Hire Your Executive Tier Earlier

One of the most common anti-patterns for fast-growing startups is to learn (the hard way) that you have waited too long to build your executive tier.

